Closing Film
info | 2020|15.38min|Fiction| Senior |
Director | Kim Gil-soo |
The son promises to take care of his father in his old age, and, in return, asks for money to run his business. The father finds it difficult to comply with his son’s request since the latter has a record of being lazy and debauched. The father is advised by his friend to take some extraordinary measures.
<Synopsis> In a hidden place, the daily routine of a retirement home unfolds as time seems to stand still. The penciled residents come to life on paper. Some are active, others rest or follow a fixed schedule to be repeated each day: medication, meals, games… Around them, machines are flashing, caregivers are busy and some crucifixes remind them of the death that lies in wait. Time fades aw...
Closing Film
<Synopsis> Five sisters gather at the big sister's house in memory of their late mother. Hyejung, the big sister, proposes that they send their half brother on a trip to Hawaii for his 70th birthday, but Junghee, the youngest, has a long kept secret to tell.
Closing Film
<Synopsis> The son promises to take care of his father in his old age, and, in return, asks for money to run his business. The father finds it difficult to comply with his son’s request since the latter has a record of being lazy and debauched. The father is advised by his friend to take some extraordinary measures.
Closing Film
The Seoul International Senior Film Festival has selected (Im)Patient by Constanza Fernandez as the opening film this year. This comedy film begins with the weakening body of an elderly, gradually revealing the blind spots of the health system. Colorful characters and dramatic situations that cause laughter take the form of a family comedy to alleviate the heaviness of the subject matter to some e...
Opening Flim