The Video Autobiography project captures the life story of the elderly through a camera of a young director. The 2022 Seoul International Senior Film Festival tells the story of people who went to Germany during the 60s-70s and worked as miners or nurses and the story of their family. We take a look at the lives of the elderly who were forced to go abroad as laborers due to the poor economic situation of their home country and the dire circumstances of their families. They led the country’s economic growth as pillars of modernization, but became forgotten after a while.
Kim Chun-dong, Glück auf!
서울국제노인영화제 2022-05-10 오후 14:34:47
info 2021 |10.42min|Documentary | Korea 
Director Lee, Jiwon 
Screening Schedule 5.22 (Sun) 14:30 CGV Picadiri 1958 6 Hall 

07_김춘동 글릭아우프_스틸 이미지.jpg


Glück auf! He’d tell his colleagues every time he went down to the colliery back in the days he tried to survive day after day. He was dispatched to Germany when he was 35 years old and worked as a miner there for 3 years. Sending a letter to his younger self hopping on the Germany-bound plane, Chun-dong starts remembering his past.