남자, 사람, 마네킹 Man, Monkey, Mannequin
서울노인영화제 2019-08-29 오후 14:50:07
60 0
info 대만 | 2017 | 19분 
감독 Dan-Chi HUANG 
상영스케줄 9.25(수) 19:00 4관, 9.28(토) 13:00 6관 




San finally decides to go hiking after his good friends' passing, yet ended up with a broken leg. The monkeys on the mountains are making fun of him.



<감독 Dan-Chi HUANG>



Man, Monkey, Mannequin (2017)

Summer Trifles (2013)


자오가 그리는 봄의 꿈 A Dream Of Spring

<시놈시스> 자오는 15살에 징집된 경험이 있다. 그의 삶은 부서진 카세트 속에 갇혀있다. 다시 돌아갈 수 없는 과거. 그는 다시는 깨어날 수 없는 꿈을 꾸려고 한다. For Zhao, who was drafted to the army at a young age of 15, life is like a broken cassette. From which it can't be reversed back, and a dream never woken up from. <감독 Shih-Han TSAO> The Defender (2018) A Dream of Spring (2017) The Sweet Pl...

info : 대만 | 2017 | 20분 감독 : Shih-Han TSAO 상영스케줄 : 9.25(수) 19:00 4관, 9.28(토) 13:00 6관

참새 The Passer

<시놉시스> <감독 Han Xiu Yu>

info : 대만 | 2015 | 20분 감독 : Han Xiu Yu

남자, 사람, 마네킹 Man, Monkey, Mannequin

San finally decides to go hiking after his good friends' passing, yet ended up with a broken leg. The monkeys on the mountains are making fun of him. <감독 Dan-Chi HUANG> Man, Monkey, Mannequin (2017) Summer Trifles (2013)

info : 대만 | 2017 | 19분 감독 : Dan-Chi HUANG 상영스케줄 : 9.25(수) 19:00 4관, 9.28(토) 13:00 6관

할머니의 방귀뀌는 스쿠터 Grandma's Farting Scooter

Hsiao-Hui, a lady over 60 years old, always rides an old scooter. Although two-stroke scooters will be forbidden soon, Hsiao-Hui has got used to hers and refuses to replace it. Today, she needs to deal with lots of things, including attending a mediation committee since she had a scooter accident previously. However, she is requested to look after her granddaughter all of a sudden, and thus their ...

info : 대만 | 2018 | 22분 감독 : Chuang-Yang LI