달 밝은 밤에, 타티니 The Moon Is Bright Tonight
SISFF 2020-10-12 오후 19:17:48
info 2018 | 네팔, 미얀마 | 16분 | 극영화 
감독 Abinash Bikram Shah 
상영스케줄 10.22 (목) 18:30, 서울극장 10관 





A dead body of a migrant worker arrives in a remote village of Nepal. TATTINI, now a widow, plans to start a new life with her dead husband's life insurance money, away from the shackles of the conservative society she lives in. But her lonely father-in-law, determined to stop her, claiming the money belongs to the village and demands for darrkhana, their traditional hot iron ritual.