해외경쟁2. 사이공간에서

소일 플라워 Soil Flowers
SISFF 2020-10-05 오후 16:57:24
info 2019 | 중국 | 35분 | 다큐멘터리 
감독 Zhenyu Zhou 
상영스케줄 10.23 (금) 19:30 CGV 피카디리 5관 

soil flower film stills 3.jpg


L\'affiche03soil flower poster.jpg




장 사이지안은 프랑스 툴루즈에 혼자서 살아가는 중국인 중년여성이다, 그녀의 집안은 아주 많은 물건으로 가득하다, 그녀는 나이든 어머니를 케어하기 위해서 중국으로 여행을 준비한다.



Soil flowers is a portrait film of a woman who is preparing her trip to China to take care of her elderly mother. She lives alone in a house in Toulouse, France, occupied by a massive amount of her belongings after her partner passed away. How does the woman deal with her emotion with the soft decay of mind? How does she make a way out from the limbo? Is she freer than she thought? How does social change lead to her identity issues?

As a filmmaker who stays behind the camera, he is a participator and spectator in his work, the film also explores the relationship between himself and the subject which he films. By following the woman goes back and forth between China and France for filming, the filmmaker starts to question himself.
