2021 서울국제노인영화제 개최일정 연기 안내
2021-10-07 오후 17:00:17


안녕하세요, 서울국제노인영화제입니다.



서울국제노인영화제에 끊임없는 관심과 성원을 보내주신 영화인과 관객 여러분들께 감사를 드립니다.



10월 개최 예정이었던 2021 서울국제노인영화제(14)는 코로나바이러스감염증-194차 대유행 확산으로 인해 연기하고자 합니다.



무엇보다도 오프라인으로 극장에서의 관람을 희망하시는 노인 관람객들과 영화제를 찾아주시는 많은 영화인 분들이 안심하고 함께 모여 즐길 수 있는 사회적 환경에서 모시고자 부득이하게 연기를 결정하게 되었습니다.



코로나19로 인해 힘든 시기를 보내고 계신 분들께 위로를 전하며, 하루 빨리 코로나 종식을 기원합니다.



14회 서울국제노인영화제는 2022년 상반기로 연기되었지만, 단편경쟁부문과 공식초청부문 선정작들은 그대로 제14회 영화제에서 상영될 예정입니다.



보다 안전한 환경에서 다시 찾아뵙겠습니다.



많은 기대와 성원 부탁드립니다.






The 14th Seoul International Senior Film Festival, which was scheduled to be held in October 2021, will be postponed to the first half of next year due to the fourth wave of COVID-19 in South Korea.


The COVID-19 cases in South Korea, especially in Seoul, have dramatically surged recently. After Chuseok, the Korean holiday celebrating the fall harvest when many families travelled to gather together, the country’s cases have been rapidly rising. The extension of the government's strict social distancing regulations for another two weeks has started last Monday, amid the nation's worst wave of infections.


To make a safer environment for the elderly audiences and the filmmakers, who wish to watch the films and enjoy the festival offline in theatres, we had to make a difficult decision to postpone the 14th SISFF to the first half of next year. We could not simply decide to screen the films online since they deserve to be screened on the big screens.


Even though the festival has been postponed to next year, we’ll definitely screen the all officially selected films at the 14th SISFF. The officially selected films for the 14th SISFF Short Competition Section and the Official Invitation Section have been announced in the SISFF news.


We deeply apologise for the festival's delay due to the worsening COVID-19 situation in South Korea. And thank you so much for your patience and cooperation. We appreciate it a lot and we look forward to meeting you in person soon in a safer environment!




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